Future trends in Education- Flipped classroom

Modern technology and the information revolution are allowing for new teaching and learning models. These models fit the new generation’s way of thinking impacted by instant information anywhere anytime. Technologies also connect people together no matter their physical location whether near or far. One new pedagogical model developed on the principles of active learning, student engagement, blended learning, and communication and social media is ‘Flipped Classroom.’

In flipped classroom students learn new content, prepared by the teacher or third parties, online by watching lectures through videos, podcasts, websites, on DVDs and CDs, or any other form, usually at home. Then in the classroom, students apply the knowledge learned.  Application that used to be homework is now done in class. Class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions, with the teacher giving one-on-one or small group guidance. Students can inquire about lecture content, test their skills in applying knowledge, and interact with one another in hands-on activities. During class sessions, teachers function as coaches or advisors encouraging students in inquiry and collaborative effort.

The flipped classroom constitutes a role change for teachers. Instead of lecturing, more time in class is given to interaction with students. Teachers lead in-class discussions or manage the classroom as a studio where students create, collaborate, and put into practice what they have learned from lectures they view outside class. Teachers suggest various approaches, clarify content, and monitor progress. They differentiate instruction by organizing students into workgroups to solve problems or study together.

Why flipped classroom

The flipped classroom has many advantages for the teacher and the student. It gives teachers a better opportunity to detect errors in student thinking and fix them. Teachers are more involved in students’ application of notions rather than on lecturing. It also allows teachers to give students as much time and attention as they need. Teachers spend less time on class management and more on guidance.

Flipped classroom allows for greater differentiation to meet student needs. Students who have the content at home on a digital tool are able to review and replay the instructional segments as many times as necessary.  It allows students to study at their own pace. As a result, students have greater ownership and control over their learning and enjoy what they are doing. Students become self-directed learners.

When to flip classroom

  • Flip your classroom instruction when the content is challenging or when the content needs greater depth of understanding. It can be one excellent model to solve complex problems and test student abilities.
  • Flip your instruction when students need greater differentiation, support, review, remediation, and engagement.
  • Flip your class when you know students understand the rules of interaction. Students get to apply, discuss, and make connections with the topic.
  • A growing number of higher education courses are being taught based on the flipped classroom model.


1. An effective flipped classroom requires careful preparation and more attention on behalf of the teacher.

2. The flipped classroom may not suit all topics or all students. Teachers need to be careful if they want to use it throughout the whole course. Some students may complain about the loss of face-to-face lectures; other may complain about getting bored of the same structure; some may misunderstand the value of the process and lose trust in the teacher.

3. A flipped classroom requires powerful mobile devices. It may put poorer communities at a disadvantage compared to rich ones and broadens the gap between them.

2 thoughts on “Future trends in Education- Flipped classroom

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Possibility | Stories of The Wandering Feet & Mind

  2. Pingback: My Teaching Philosophy | Shelf-Made Girl

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